Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Colonial Foodways

Al and I taught a 2-hour class on "Life in 17th Century Colonial Virginia from Two Points of View" yesterday and I made these journeycakes as a prop. It was just by happenstance they turned out looking so authentic as if they had been made with ash. Didn't taste so good to our 21st century palate, but were true to the recipe. Good thing they were just for looks! Oh, just in case you were wondering, Al was the pirate and I was the tavern landlady and we had a great fun with it.

1 comment:

  1. YAY! You did it. I'll bet it was a blast.

    Just one questions...why aren't there photos of the two of you in your pirate and tavern lady garb along with those journey-cakes? we want to see you too.


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