Monday, September 08, 2014

The Art of Abandonment

I happened across (does anyone really find things by happenstance?) a book called The Art of Abandonment Project by Michael deMeng and Andrea Matus deMeng. The subtitle is "Create and Share Random Acts of Art". The idea of making something to brighten an unknown someone's day is very appealing. It is a bit like geocaching without the technology.

So I've been leaving little "gifts" around in my travels. Each one has this label attached to the front - especially in this day of paranoia about strange packages in public places.

My art pieces are book marks cut randomly from recycled acrylic paintings and dressed up with tassels made from leftover bits of yarn (a passalong from one of my artful friends). On the back of each one I inscribed some of my favorite quotes about the wonder of books. Obviously they won't work on a Kindle, but hopefully they will be useful to the finder. Now I'm pondering what to make next that's a bit more au courant.


  1. what a lovely idea...random acts of art...I'm going to enjoy 'leaving a little trail'.


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