My good friend Anna and I have formed an American Cancer Society Relay for Life team called "Pirates for a Cure."
As a survivor, I never thought I would step back into anything that had to do with the disease. I don't even like calling myself a survivor. In fact, I purged everything in my surroundings that reminded me I had ever been someone with cancer. I was bound and determined not to be labeled by the "Big C" and not to develop the victim mentality because there is always that fear of a chink in your armor which will let the bad cells back in. Maybe if you don't dwell on it you won't attract it.
But now it seems I am back in the maelstrom. Unfortunately these days cancer has become all too common, especially in our circle of friends. Too many close friends, family and families of friends are now members of the "Big C Club" so we are raising money to stop this from happening to more people. It is too big a problem to let my worry and fear stop me from doing SOMETHING. This is for everyone else.
Through money raised from Relays for Life the American Cancer Society can save 90 lives a day!
If you can support us in reaching our fundraising goal please visit our website: www.relayforlife.org/virginiabeach and click on the 2009 teams link. We are Pirates for a Cure
Don't let a day go by without telling all your friends and loved ones how much they mean to you, because life can be shorter than we think.
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