Saturday, August 07, 2010

Fabric Art August 7

Back to my favorite subject - seaweed. Yes this is fresh seaweed picked up off the beach complete with the salt water. The fabric color is actually a bit more purple in real life.
It has been a dizzying dose of real life these past couple of days with sorting, packing, putting things in storage, getting pre-qualified for a mortgage, looking at real estate, scheduling appointments with movers, storage companies, and trying to use up food in the freezer and cupboards. As yet we haven't found the perfect house to buy, so its looking like we will be nomads for a bit in the interim. I woke up in the night thinking of things we absolutely had to have with us; a portable office, a first aid kit, a familiar pillow, something to read and music. But will we still have an email address? Do we need warm clothes? What art supplies do I need? How on earth did those long ago people pack when they set out on visits that lasted for months? Hopefully we won't be in limbo for months.
Just remember to breathe.

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