Thursday, August 05, 2010

Fabric August 5

Back to white cotton muslin today and the image is Campsis radicans or Trumpet Creeper, a vine prevalent in the beach environment. And today I photographed the whole piece of fabric instead of cropping out the wonky edges and making them look all neat and tidy. The trumpet creeper flowers are very thick, so even though I tried to press them ahead of time they still didn't show up well except for the stamens. I tried working out of my comfort zone on colors - as you may have guessed the cool colors are my favorites - as red and yellow fit the subject matter. The warm reds, yellows, oranges, and browns just don't feel comfortable to me.
Which relates to the house hunting experience today. We saw everything from houses owned by the bank that were gag awful to a couple of houses that were almost marvelous if only you could pick them up and move them somewhere else. A rather discouraging day as none of the houses we tried on felt comfortable like home.

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