Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Winter Storm Fabric Dyeing

We had 4 inches of snow overnight and woke up to the muffled silence only a blanket of snow can bring. I have to say it was beautiful, even though it was COLD! So what do artists do in the cold? Snow and ice-dyeing... I thought I had discovered something new as I experimented with laying wet fabric on plexiglas and putting it outside to freeze. And with the snow, throwing clumps of fresh powder snow on top of the fabric and drizzling dye over the top just to see what would happen. Serendipity effects are my thing. Then I cruised around the internet yesterday and discovered its all been done. Well, duh... there are parts of the country that get a lot more snow than we ever do in Virginia. I should remember, I grew up in Massachusetts and never wanted to have to shovel snow again when I moved here. Until I started fabric dyeing.
So here's a piece freezing out on the snow. I was able to get some beautiful crystalline textures in the dyes from the ice patterns, but I wasn't able to recreate them at will. Let's just say I'm going to miss the snow and cold for now.

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