Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's All Here!

After seven months of house hunting and living in "The Camp" we are in our new home. On Monday, March 28th the big orange truck that had taken almost all of our belongings away in August to be put in storage arrived. As the crates were opened and unloaded (the insides of the crates look like a tetrus puzzle), we wondered what some of those strange objects we hadn't seen in so long were. Then came the realization that it was ALL ours and we had to put it somewhere. Needless to say a lot of things we didn't miss will be going away to brighten someone else's life. After the spartan existence at "The Camp" I was on stuff overload
and a bit overwhelmed. As one firend said we have the rest of our lives to get settled in, but those of us with no patience want it done now!

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