Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Goodbye Clair

My friend Margaret and I gathered in South Carolina to bid a fond farwell to our mentor, friend, and former boss Clair Sims. Clair was the epitome of a gracious Southern Lady in every sense of the word, and yet a successful businesswoman also. I will always remember her favorite saying from Coco Chanel, "Life is a like a toboggan, so hang on and enjoy the ride!" And there was some doozies of a ride along the way.
So we scattered white rose petals for love and rosemary for remembrance in the Sampit River, along with a few tears, to wish Clair well now that she has left her earthly body for higher realms. I could see her smile and hear that wonderful southern drawl of hers as our petals and stems drifted slowly away. And then we had a glass of wine in her honor. I know Clair would approve.


  1. This calming and beautiful.

    Such a sweet and caring way to pay homage to your friend ... simply lovely.

    1. A lovely and beautiful way to honor Clair.
      Loved this image....
      THank you for sharing Carol.


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