Monday, February 06, 2012

It's Up!

With a sigh of relief and a huge bundle of nerves I delivered all my pieces to the Library last Wednesday for the installation of my show. It has been a long road, but everything is finally up on the walls. That morning while I was in the shower the thought passed through my mind that I'm "loading in my very first solo show" and I immediately burst into tears. If you're going to cry the shower is a good place to do it. I'm so grateful to all the people who gave good advice and emotional support over these last stressful weeks. The show would not have come together the way it did without you!


  1. I can't wait to see the show. Congratulations on getting it finished and up......what a great feeling and I know that the show is beautiful.

  2. WOO HOO
    I can tell by the glimpse that you give that your presentation is have much to be proud of in a confidently humble sort of way...just imagine all of those quiet mornings out there in the sunshine being peaceful and the fruits are shared...

    I celebrate you!

  3. Congratulations on your first show. It's quite an accomplishment, but I'm not surprised. You are and always have been very talented and I love the medium you are working in now. From what I can tell everything looks great. I'm sure you, Al and all of your friends are very proud of you as I am. Rick and I wish we were there to see it in person.

    Enjoy every minute!

    Margaret (Fee) & Rick Nixon


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