Sunday, February 26, 2012

Old Friends are Gold

This past week we had dear friends from Massachusetts visiting with their dog on their way to South Carolina. What a delightful time we spent deep in kitchen table discussions, enjoying walks around the neighborhood and at First Landing State Park, and enjoying good food and good company. We've know each other for so long that we just feel right back into that easy camaraderie as though it was only yesterday instead of a year ago that we had seen each other. It was a tearful wave goodbye as all three backed out of the driveway on the next leg of their adventure. was so nice to hear the pitter-patter of four feet in the house again.Our other houseguest was a beautiful French Brittany Spaniel, Bucky the one-eyed wonder dog. I might embarrass this seasoned hunting dog by calling him a sweetie-pie, but he filled up our house and hearts with that good doggie energy!

Hopefully the new four-legged family member we are looking for is just around the corner.

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