Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sabbath, The Book

This is not the sort of book I would usually read, but it is one of our book club selections and I have to say it spoke to me. The author, Wayne Muller, is an ordained minister and therapist. He is also the founder of Bread for the Journey, an organization that supports local efforts already in place to help the poor, hungry, and those in need.

The book deals with the loss of the "Sabbath" in our busy lives. No matter your religion, you still need a day of joyful rest to put soul back in body. But in this fast-paced world too often Sunday (or whatever day is your Sabbath) has become another day filled to overflowing with to-do lists and not much fun.

I have often felt that one reason our lives feel so stressful is that we have no where to relax in this media-bombarded, always-connected world. Our world has become a painted canvas with no white space for the eye to rest. According to the author this just wears us out (like a machine that has run too long without regular maintenance) and leads to anger, violence, and other ills. One of the cures can be a as simple as setting aside time for a walk in nature and just unplugging.

There's much more to this book, but I won't spoil the discovery for you. I highly recommend you take some quiet time for yourself and read a chapter or two, and preferably the whole book.

1 comment:

  1. Here! Here!
    I love the white space...naps, walks, strolls, sits and more naps please '-)

    in 2006 I was invited to take part in an exploration of the Sabbath for a large group exhibition...I learned that those who keep a Sabbath are Sabbatarians...I love the word too.


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