Tuesday, August 10, 2010

And Now for Something Completely Different

Way back when we didn't know we were moving I volunteered to help make parts for centerpiece decorations for an herb meeting in October, so this week I was determined to finish them and get them in the mail before they got lost in the chaos here. So here are the "herbal lollipops" made with barbeque skewers, styrofoam balls and dried lavender, Queen Anne's Lace, oak moss, rose petals, zinnia petals, hibiscus flowers, and larkspur. 61 of them to be exact. It was a calm respite from a stressful day. No matter how much I tried to convince myself that when one door closes another one opens, my thoughts reverted more to what were we thinking! We had a sobering talk with a mover about storing our things, couldn't get ahold of anyone involved in the endless list of details to work out, and just genenrally had a crappy day. But the decorations are done!

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