Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fabric Art August 11

So much has happened in the last couple of days. a friend in Tai Chi this morning asked how I could be so calm about the maelstrom that is my life at the moment. I told her I don't sleep at night so I'm too tired to look stressed during the day.
We got a price from a moving and storage company and it was one of those *GASP* prices. Then yesterday we talked to another company and got a much better price. The agent was a very nice female with a calm and comforting air about her - sort of motherly, and I could use a Mom at the moment. So now all our possessions are going to be packed up and stored 15 days from now. EEEEKKKKK! Oh, and they charge by the pound, so our stuff needs to go on a diet. So we're having a yard sale to augment the new puppy fund. New mantra: Only that which reflects our new life is coming with us.
Todays fabric is a stalk of Queen Anne's Lace, a rather ghostly one. It is always a surprise how random threads that hide behind the fabric when its wet show through when its dry - almost like a finger of lightening or a phantom horizon line or even root hair.

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