Friday, August 13, 2010

Art Soothes the Soul

I needed new socks but couldn't find any I liked, so a while back I ordered some white bamboo socks from Dharma Trading Company. I'm trying to use up supplies, like fiber reactive dye, so I won't have to pack them so Wednesday was sock dyeing day. Maybe my last fabric dyeing adventure in our wonderfully sandy yard. They turned out OK, maybe would have been brighter if I had washed them in hot water with the Synthropol instead of cold. For awhile the world stopped as I mixed, tied, swished, squeezed, rinsed all while listening to the sounds of the surf and the birds. Thenit was back to phone calls and organization while the fabric "cured" outside in the heat. I was so intent of what I was doing I forgot to put on rubber gloves to rinse out the dye, so my hands have been a lovely shade of Smurf blue!
As for listening to The Lacuna in the car - I am completely under the spell of the words in this book and the readers voice (the author Barbara Kingsolver). Not only do I drive around with an intense craving for tortillas and pan dulce (don't know what it tastes like), but Trotsky's death had me sittingin the driveway in tears. I knew it was coming, I know the story, but somehow loss and all it encompasses just hit harder this telling.

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