Monday, October 11, 2010


It has been a hectic summer in that we sold our house and moved into a temporary furnished apartment at the Oceanfront while we look for a new house. It is nicknamed "The Camp" because we are only camping, not staying! It is small and a bit like living in a storage space. And here we thought we were only packing the bare essentials to bring with us. It is quite a change living in this neighborhood, but I've managed to dye a few pieces of fabric, sort of successfully, with only a few art supplies. The biggest hurdle was being without an internet connection for about a month, especially with trying to house hunt. We just don't realize how dependent we are on technology to stay connected with the outside world.

1 comment:

  1. Your plants have made it look home-y already. You can always tell where someone with heart is living, even if only temporarily!


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