Friday, October 15, 2010

Canadian Thanksgiving

Monday, October 11, was Columbus Day in the United States and Thanksgiving Day in Canada. It is very similar to our Thanksgiving just celebrated earlier because their climate is colder and their harvest season is earlier than ours. So my Nova Scotia friend Judy and I gave thanks by going for a hike in First Landing State Park. The day was glorious, warm and sunny day, and the trail we were on was an other worldly experience. It really gives meaning to the phrase "forest primeval." . It was quiet except for passing the occasional hiker, and for the sounds of the birds. Turtles sunned themselves on floating logs and every so quietly slipped into the water to look for supper. We could imagine the original settlers arriving and wondering "What is this place?" While it may have seemed scary to them it had a magical quality on this particular day.

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