Thursday, May 19, 2011

The New Garden

After 3 days of hard physical labor (I don't think my new neighbors would recognize me without a shovel in my hand)the garden out front is mostly in and we planted some veggies in the back in a raised bed. We had lots of plants in pots waiting to get in the ground from when we moved 7 months ago! We were very lucky that we had people willing to babysit them for us while we lived in The Camp. There are just a few pots on the back deck, especially one with calendula flowers - which will be our new golden retriever's name when she arrives. Callie for short.
I still need to find some "bones" plants that will provide winter interest when the annuals and perennials have died down out front, but I'm taking a little break to get ready for The Pirate Party on the Beach this weekend. The mulching comes next and then the fall project will be the native plant garden in the backyard.

1 comment:

  1. Looking good...isn't it the very best kind of work...except for making art of course...but then gardening falls into that category too.

    Callie is so going to love running through those many varied beds...front yard, back yard, raised, much fun ahead.

    Is that Chard? looks yum.


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