Monday, May 23, 2011

Pirate Party on the Beach

Saturday was the first "Pirate Party on the Beach" at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront 17th Street Park. The weather was perfect and BeachEvents estimates that 4,000 people showed up for their first joint venture with The Moody Crewe. Our day started at 6:15 AM and we didn't get back home until after 10 PM, but the day was great fun so it was all worth it!
The Brigands, a wonderful pirate genre band from New York, kept us entertained musically. The mermaid from Nauticus was there
plus a Captain Jack Sparrow from The Mariner's Museum, kids crafts from The Portsmouth Naval Museum, The Old Coast Guard Station, and The Art Barrage, plus storytellers and members of the Yorktown Privateers and the Devil's Deckhands.
And our favorite Jack...
And we can't forget CHRISTOPHER MOODY'S (yes, that's who we are named after) parents all the way from the Midwest.

Sounds like next year it is going to be exapnded to two days!

1 comment:

  1. Ahoy Matey!
    Looks like a wonderfully successful pirate take over of the beach...makes sense that there will be an extension to 'comin to shore' next eyar


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