Monday, June 13, 2011

While We Were Out

No sooner had we arrived in Atlantic Beach for our relaxing getaway when we received a phone call that a freaky tornado had gone through our neighborhood. After a flurry of more anxious phone calls back and forth with iffy cell phone connections we were assured that we didn't need to turn around and come home right away.
So we did our best to be calm for the next two days and hurried home on Thursday after we had finished all our business in Wilmington. It would take us long three days to clean up the mess created by the storm. But the good, no GREAT, news was the huge limb that fell from next door missed our house and my car and missed the new garden. We felt extremely fortunate, if a little rattled, since we are not used to a yard with TREES! Our new neighbor (that we had barely met) came over and cut up the limb and with another neighbor moved it off the driveway so we could at least park the car when we arrived home. Their kindness was overwhelming.

1 comment:

  1. YAY...I'm so glad to hear that everything turned out Okey-dokey. Living with trees, blessings and adventures abound.

    Nice neighbors are a real plus too '-)


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