Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Our "Pearl Home"

We are very proud to become a Lynnhaven River NOW Pearl Home and display the flag that indicates we are doing our share to live responsibly in our watershed. Everytime I look out the window and see the flag in the yard it reminds me to be thoughtful about how I go about my daily activities.

What does a Pearl Home mean? Simply, do things to protect our most beautiful resources for the future. And I do mean simply, things like: recycling, ditching the small plastic water bottles for a refillable one, "Scooping the Poop" and displaying a "Scoop the Poop" sticker on our black trash can, planting native plants and decreasing the amount of lawn area, adding a rain barrel to catch runoff, turning off lights and appliances when they are not being used, and installing programmable thermostats and low-flow faucets or toilets. Did you know you can recycle batteries at the same time you check out books from the Virginia Beach Public Library?

This is just a sampling of all the ways you can be kind to our watershed without a lot of fuss and help keep the Lynnhaven River and our larger watershed, the Chesapeake Bay, viable for the next generations. For more information check out

1 comment:

  1. YAY You guys...I love that you live in a Pearl Home...I was wondering if anyone around town can fly the flag or if you have to be as close to the Lynnhaven River watershed as you are...good thing to check out.


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