The Moody Crewe pirates had the pleasure of being invited to be part of The Flying Pirate Marathon at the Outer Banks of North Carolina April 17th and 18th. One of the highlights was the 5K run early Saturday morning for the GO FAR* (*Go Out For A Run) kids. This program should be everywhere!
GO FAR is a "10-week comprehensive physical fitness program that culminates in a 5k walk/run event for grade-school age children, their teachers, and parents." The program emphasizes fitness, goal setting, nutrition, school pride, character skills, and FUN. Go Far is based in the Triad of North Carolina.
So, everyone, what can we do to bring GO FAR to Virginia Beach? I've spoken with Robin Lindsay, the Founding Director, of GO FAR, and she has offered her assistance with getting something started here. Do you have any contacts with schools, Y's, community partners or churches who might be willing to be involved? Is so, please let me know for the kids' sake.
Good luck....that's a wonderful idea.