In my childhood, my Mother and I would deliver May baskets to the neighbors every May Day (May 1). We would tiptoe around the neighborhood early in the morning leaving little baskets of bluets - about the only flower blooming in New England on May 1st.
My wonderful art group gave us a challenge to do something with cardboard cones that once held yarn. So here is my "Chesapeake Bay May Basket."
The cone is covered with shiny blue candy wrappers to simulate the water. A spiral of sand and shells collected on the beach winds its way around the cone. The plant inside the cone is rosemary, also called "dew of the sea, which seemed only fitting for a beach basket. The hanger is a fibrous rope that looks like it belongs on an old ship.
This is the first piece I've been able to make at my art table without the help of my four-legged friend snoozing at my feet. I asked her to help me get past the resistance to working there by myself, and this is what came out. Thanks everyone for the challenge, and thanks Saffron for your continued support from the other side.
You have made a beautifully inspired object from that simple cone. What wonderful memories it holds for you!